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File: FastLoot AHK script (for Fallout 76)
Desc.: Spams E while holding down Ctrl + E
Usage: Open the .ahk or .exe file (will result in green taskbar icon) and press Ctrl + E to spam E with short random time intervals.
Other functions: F5 - Reload macro, F6 - Suspend macro, F7 - Quit macro (exits the program/script)

Version: 1.2
Download: FastLoot.ahk (requires AHK to be installed)
Download: FastLoot.exe (standalone .exe file)


File: FastLoot toggle AHK script (for Fallout 76)
Desc.: Spams E with on/off toggle on F8
Usage: Open the .ahk or .exe file (will result in green taskbar icon) and press F8 to toggle spamming E with short random time intervals.
Other functions: F5 - Reload macro, F6 - Pause macro, F7 - Quit macro (exits the program/script)

Version: 1.0
Download: FastLootToggle.ahk (requires AHK to be installed)
Download: FastLootToggle.exe (standalone .exe file)